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- What's In a Name: Who Is Jesus?
- What's In a Name: Even God Has a Name!
- Listen!
- What About These?
- Whatever....
- Compassion Begins in the Heart
- Love and Compassion Begin with a Name!
- On Purpose Ministry and MIssion
- On Purpose Discipleship & Fellowship!
- There Are 5 Things....
- Wise Guys, Gifts and a Happy New Year!
- Gratitude-An Act of Worship
- The Good Life @ the Crossroads
- The Good Life - In In Community!
- The Good Life is A Hidden Life!
- The Good Life is an INSIDE-OUT Life!
- The Good Life is a Bright and Flavorful Life!
- The Good Life - is an Upside Down Life!
- The Good Lfe = The Blessed Life
- The Good Life Has a Place for You!
- The Good Life
- Who Do You Work For?
- Big Story: Isaiah's Meet-UP with God
- Big Story: Elijah and the Fiery Face-off!
- Bigger Story: Moses and the Big 10!
- Bigger Story: Abram to Abraham!
- Bigger Story: NOAH!
- The Bigger Story - Living as Children of the Light!
- The Bigger Story - Living In Unity
- The Bigger Story-Living out Love!
- Living the BIGGER Story TOGETHER!
- Bigger Story-Life Is a Story!
- Internation Children's Day Meditation
- PENTECOST! Power & Purpose to Proclaim!
- Spiritual Gifts and You: What Are They For?
- Spiritual Gifts and You: What Are They?
- Let Easter Change You Through Community!
- Let Your Prayers Change you!
- The Merciful Word of God
- Let Easter Change Your Life
- The Riddle of Easter
- Words on the Way: PASSION!
- Words on the Way: Prayer and Blessing!
- Words on the Way: Betrayal & Denial
- Words on the Way: Prepare!
- From Compassion to HOPE!
- From Love Comes Compassion
- The Power of Love
- Our First Love
- BGM-Chosen to Share!
- BGM-Chosen to Live on Purpose!
- Becoming God's Masterpiece: Chosen to GROW!
- Becoming God's Masterpiece: . Chosen to Choose
- NEW!
- The Gift of Love
- The Miracle of Joyous Anticipation! Music Sunday!
- The Miracle of Peace
- The Miracle of Hope!
- How Did You Give Thanks!
- Praise and Thanksgiving is Something You Do!
- Tis the Season For Praise and Thanksgiving!
- God's Grace and Salvation!
- Jesus The Servant!
- Jesus and the Wealthy Man
- Jesus, Source of Power!
- The Challenge Of Jesus
- Rooted In Community!
- Rooted In Discipleship!
- Back To Church: Rooted in Faith!
- Back To Church - ROOTED IN SHARING!
- Working for Jesus
- The Question of Identity!
- Reality-TRUTH
- Facing Your Giants!
- Your Heart Matters
- Obedience > Sacrifice
- Running Ahead of God's Plan
- The Cost of a King
- Prayer Changes People - Even YOU!
- What's A Dad To Do?
- Go Make Disciples! Children's Ministry Day!
- A Prophet For our Time
- Getting Ready for Pentecost!
- An Ordinary Day With Mom
- Made New: Faith in Action!
- MADE NEW: Becoming Part of God's Family
- Made New: Getting Past the Past!
- Made New!
- Easter Celebration: The Greatest Comebak
- Rise UP Anew! AGAIN!
- The Love Law
- The Best Sermon Ever
- The Great Invitation
- 2023: Living For Jesus: Bringing a Friend to Jesus
- 2023: A Year Of Living ON PURPOSE WITH JESUS!
- The Heart of Christmas is LOVE!
- The Heart of Christmas BRINGS JOY!
- Peace @ the Heart of Christmas
- Hope At the Heart of Christmas
- Thanksliving: Making Gratitude a LIFESTYLE!
- Let The Children Come!
- THANKSLIVING: Making Gratitude OUR Attitude!
- Looking For a Savior
- I'm More Humble Than You!
- Change Your Attitude-Change Your LIfe!
- The Longest Table
- Hope Changes Everything!
- Without Hope?
- A Labor Day Sermon
- Dear God, Why Are Your Words All in Red?
- Dear God, Did You Really Write the Lord's Prayer?
- Dear God, Did You Really Mean Do Unto Others?
- Dear God, Did the First Humans work as Well as We Do?
- Dear God, What Happens When You Go on Vacation?
- Dear God, What Does it Mean You are a Jealous God?
- Dear God, What About Dad's Bowling Words?
- Dear God, I Am An American. What Are YOU?
- Are You Really Invisible or Is That Just a Trick?
- How Did God Know He Was God?
- The Road To Hope
- This is Pentecost
- The Ultimate Sacrifice
- Praying Like Jesus!
- The Power of Jesus' Word
- Resurrected Hope- If Only....
- Do You Love Me
- Resurrecting Hope, With Jesus!
- With Jesus-INTO HOLY WEEK!
- With Jesus-At the Cemetary!
- With Jesus-Into the Light!
- With Jesus-At the Well
- WIth Jesus-In The Wilderness!
- Love in Action: Love Remains!
- Love IN Action-Practical at all Costs!
- Love in Action-Radical in Nature!
- Love In Action-Begins at the Cross
- Deliberate Disciples Serve
- Deliberate Disciples Fellowship Together!
- Deliberate Discipleship: Disciples Grow!
- Deliberate Disciples Worship!
- A Whole New Year-The Same Old Message
- The Cast Of Christmas Revisited!
- Wisemen in Worship
- Shepherds of Hope and Joy
- Angels of Proclamation
- Prophets of Expectation
- Thankful Praise Leads to ACTION!
- Thankful Praise from the Heart!
- The Power of Thankful Praise
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- Children's Corner Pre School!